The First Arc of the story that took place during the War Of Sandwing Succession when the three sisters (Blister, Blaze, and Burn) form alliances with five tribes of Pyrrhia (which the Rainwings are omitted from the war and Nightwings are isolated from Pyrrhia) and declare war on each other for the throne as the Sandwings' rightful queen. The First Arc consists of five books: The Dragonet Prophecy (July 1, 2012), The Lost Heir (January 1, 2013), The Hidden Kingdom (May 28, 2013), The Dark Secrets (October 29, 2013), and The Brightest Night (March 25, 2014).
#Wings of fire series#
Series Plot Summaries The Dragonet Prophecy Although the later books in the third arc and the legends book Dragonslayer explore the humans of the Wings of Fire world and their interactions with dragons more thoroughly. Both continents are also inhabited by humans (called "scavengers" by Pyrrhian dragons and "reading monkeys" by some Pantalian dragons) who are seen as nothing more than animals and are even sometimes eaten. Each tribe is ruled by a queen, and each tribe also has a royal family. While Pyrrhia is home to seven tribes – MudWings, SandWings, RainWings, SkyWings, IceWings, SeaWings, and NightWings – Pantala houses only three tribes – HiveWings, SilkWings, and LeafWings and hybrids are in the world. The world of Wings of Fire is made up of two continents that are populated by dragons – Pyrrhia (the focus of Books 1 through 10) and Pantala (the focus of Books 11 through 15).

At present, a total of fifteen books in the main series have been released from 2012 to 2022. Each arc consists of five books, and each book centers on its own protagonist whose story is told through a third person limited perspective. The series currently consists of three arcs, which focus on young dragons, called dragonets, fulfilling prophecies in a fantasy world.

6 Canceled television series adaptation.It has also been translated into more than ten different languages. Over 14 million copies of the books have been sold and it has been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than 122 weeks. Wings of Fire is a series of children's fantasy novels written by author Tui T. 26: 21 novels, 5 graphic novels (currently)